After Impacted Tooth Exposure

After Exposure of an Impacted Tooth

Home Instructions After Impacted Tooth Exposure

After impacted tooth exposure, it is crucial to adhere to the care instructions provided by our dental professionals. To ensure a successful healing process, it is important not to disturb the wound in any way. If surgical packing was placed after the procedure, it serves a vital role in protecting the exposed tooth and should be left undisturbed. This specialized packing material aids in promoting optimal healing conditions for the area.

In case you notice that the packing becomes dislodged or falls out naturally, there is no need for alarm. However, contacting our office promptly is advised. Our skilled team will provide you with precise guidance tailored specifically to your situation, ensuring that proper care continues uninterrupted until complete recovery has been achieved. 


After undergoing oral surgery, it is not uncommon to experience some bleeding or redness in the saliva for a period of 24 hours. However, if you find yourself faced with excessive bleeding that quickly fills your mouth with blood, there is no need to panic as there are effective steps for control.

Applying pressure on the affected area using a gauze pad can prove helpful in stemming the flow of blood. By biting down firmly on this pad and maintaining pressure for approximately 30 minutes, you allow adequate time for clot formation and subsequent cessation of bleeding. It is crucial to ensure direct placement on the specific wound site rather than merely applying it loosely within your mouth. 


Swelling is a natural response of the body following surgical procedures, and its management plays a crucial role in promoting post-operative comfort and healing. To effectively minimize swelling, healthcare professionals recommend employing a simple yet effective technique: the application of cold therapy using an ice bag or plastic bag filled with ice cubes on the cheek adjacent to the surgical site. This method helps constrict blood vessels, reduce fluid accumulation, and alleviate discomfort caused by inflammation.

By diligently applying cold therapy as frequently as possible within the initial 24-hour period after surgery, patients can assist in minimizing swelling while enhancing their overall recovery experience. 


When preparing for surgery, it is essential to prioritize your body's hydration by diligently drinking plenty of fluids. However, it is crucial to bear in mind that hot liquids or hard foods should be avoided before the procedure. Instead, focus on consuming soft food and liquids on the day of surgery as they are gentler on the digestive system and aid in a smoother recovery process.

Following this guideline ensures that your body receives adequate nourishment without putting additional strain during this critical time. Nonetheless, once you have undergone surgery, promptly returning to a normal diet, unless otherwise directed by medical professionals, allows your body to regain its strength efficiently while promoting healing from within. 


You should prioritize your well-being by commencing pain medication promptly once you sense the fading effect of the local anesthetic. To alleviate moderate discomfort, it is advisable to consume one or two tablets of Tylenol or Extra Strength Tylenol every three to four hours. Alternatively, Ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) can be taken instead of Tylenol.

Over-the-counter Ibuprofen typically comes in 200 mg tablets, and a recommended dosage would entail consuming two to three tablets four times daily, ensuring not to exceed 3200 mg as a daily limit for adults. Individuals under 18 should consult our practice regarding appropriate dosage. It's crucial not to combine these two medications simultaneously. 

In cases where severe pain persists, adherence to prescribed medication guidelines is important. However, if you are allergic to any of the aforementioned medicines or have expressly been advised against their usage by your physician, exercising caution by refraining from taking them is essential.

Engaging in activities such as driving automobiles or operating machinery while under the influence of pain medication is strongly discouraged for safety reasons. Moreover, it is important to abstain from consuming alcoholic beverages during this period.

Remember that post-surgery discomfort will gradually diminish with each passing day. Nevertheless, if pain persists beyond what may be expected during recovery, seeking medical attention becomes imperative and warrants contacting our office promptly without delay. 

Oral Hygiene 

Oral cleanliness is vital for the proper healing of surgical wounds in your mouth. To ensure optimal recovery, it is crucial to clean your mouth thoroughly after every meal, starting from the day following your surgery. If possible, maintain your regular tooth-brushing routine during this time.

Additionally, incorporating warm saltwater rinses into your daily oral hygiene regimen can greatly aid in the healing process. Simply dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and rinse with this solution six times a day. By adhering to this meticulous procedure until complete healing has occurred, you will provide the ideal environment for proper recovery and restore optimum oral health. 


It is crucial to prioritize post-surgical recovery by adhering to strict limitations on physical activities. Following surgery, it is imperative to keep exertion levels to a minimum, as engaging in exercise may lead to undesirable consequences such as throbbing or bleeding at the surgical site.

Should any of these symptoms manifest, it is strongly advised that individuals immediately discontinue exercising and seek appropriate medical attention. If you feel light-headed during exercise routines, it is important to stop to prevent any further complications or harm.


290 Madison Avenue, Ste 1A,
Morristown, NJ 07960

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MON - FRI9:00 am - 4:00 pm

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